Saturday 21 January 2012

The SQ3R Method

Effective study through the SQ3R method

Survey: Before reading a lesson, make a quick survey of what the lesson contains. It is like looking at a map to plan your route before you begin the journey.

Question: While you are surveying the lesson, make up questions that you would like the lesson to answer.
This approach keeps your mind alert and concentrated.

Read: Read each section of the lesson, looking for answer to your questions. Be an active reader as you search for answer. Separate the key ideas from supporting details and examples.

Recite: After reading each section of the lesson, recall your questions and try to answer them. Do not move to the next section until you can recite the key ideas and answer the questions.

Review: Immediately after finishing the lesson, go back and answer all the questions. Review again the next day and later.

Check a detailed description of SQ3R method, click below :

              SQ3R METHOD

Sunday 18 December 2011

Operation : Exam!

In the last post we shared some Do’s and Don’ts of exam preparation. Hope those points helped you! ..
Here is a list of some kool points about the

Do’s and Don’ts during the Exam!

check it out and send in your feedback! .. :)

Friday 16 December 2011

Do’s and Don’ts of exam preparation!

The silence before the storm, preparation time is the most difficult and crucial time of the dreaded phenomenon called `EXAMs’
Here are some simple Do’s and Don’ts that we usually forget to follow. These simple and obvious suggestions are really useful, especially for Board/University Exams!
Click here to read - Do’s and Don’ts

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